MLP Technologies

Meeting Today's Threats with Tomorrow's Innovation.

MLP-Technologies, LLC is primarily focused on designing and implementing cutting-edge counter-threat solutions across land, sea, and air domains.

North America MLP Technologies 2810 N Church St Suite #214118 Wilmington, DE 19802

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+ 1 703 597 6574

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Our service portfolio includes IEDD solutions covering products, training, and support. We specialize in Open Source Intelligence reporting, EW, ELINT, and ECM technologies. With advanced Search Capabilities, we ensure efficient target acquisition. Our EOD and IEDD capabilities guarantee safe disposal, while we excel in Explosive Safety/Storage and Incident Investigation. Count on us for managing risks associated with Homemade Explosives and executing Breaching/Assault EOD operations with precision. Trust our integrated solutions for safeguarding lives and infrastructure.

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Products - Training – Support

  • Open Source Intelligence led reporting
  • EW (Electronic Warfare)
  • ELINT (Electronic Intelligence)
  • OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)
  • ECM (Electronic Countermeasures)
  • Search Capability
  • EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Capability
  • IEDD (Improvised Explosive Device Disposal)
  • Explosive Safety/Storage
  • Explosive Incident Investigation
  • Homemade Explosives
  • Breaching/Assault EOD